I LEARNED THE VALUE of using lines early and often as a goof-proof communication tool.

MY DOGS earned titles quickly, rarely failed, and earned admirable scores regardless of their breed or background.

I INSIST MY STUDENTS use them, too. I know they can be a “pain” — but not nearly as painful as not using them. Lines communicate and build trust and confidence.


  1. Make lines?
  2. Keep lines tangle-free (container method and chain stitch)?
  3. Proper handling?
  4. Prepare to direct?
  5. Tension and tautness?
  6. Avoid snags (under your dog, your feet, dog jumps, figure 8, tires, etc)

WATCH the video below:

Contact Amy

Have a question? Please use this form to contact me about your goals, concerns, pertinent details, physical limitations, dog’s background and other topics.

Ready to Enroll?

Visit my services page and enroll in the group class, private lesson or workshop you’d like to attend. I will contact you upon enrollment and provide additional details.