


Puppy (8 to 18 weeks)

Class Descriptions


Quick Start Intensive (4 months and up)

Class Description


Essential Basics (4 months and up)

Class Description


Mastering Basics (follows Essential Basics)

Class Description



In Your Home (private lesson)

Class Description


At My Location (private lesson)

Class Description


Online Problem Solving (private lesson)

Class Description



Workshops: Walk This Way, Talk This Way (3 levels)

This “Field Trip” allows us to develop real-world skills and practice in public settings. We meet at a park and walk to a variety of environments. Dogs will learn to walk nicely and listen to the first command. Need to feel more confident handling your dog and teaching him to be mannerly in public settings? Then Walk This Way, Talk This Way workshops are the way to go!

Workshop 1: Walk This Way, Talk This Way LEVEL ONE



Workshop 2: Walk This Way, Talk This Way LEVEL TWO



Workshop 3: Off-leash Control Basics




How often do classes meet?2018-11-22T19:56:17-06:00

All group classes meet weekly at the same time and at the same location.

Can I observe classes before enrolling?2018-11-22T19:55:44-06:00

Yes, we have an open door policy so you are invited (and encouraged!) to watch anytime. Summer classes are held at Bluemound Animal Hospital in Brookfield on Monday evenings, and Sunday mornings through mid-day. No appointments necessary, but please leave your dog at home. If you have any questions before coming to observe, please call/text Amy at (414) 289-7785.

Will I receive confirmation for class?2018-11-22T19:55:13-06:00

Yes. If you enroll online or by mail I’ll contact you to let you know I received your registration, and I will ask for your dog’s name, breed, and birthdate. When you come to your first class there will be an enrollment form for you to fill out.

Can my children come to classes?2018-11-22T19:54:33-06:00

Yes. Family members are welcomed and encouraged to attend all of our classes. Children need to be mannerly and not disruptive. Regardless of how many people attend, one capable and attentive handler should be designated to train the dog in class throughout the entire program. Though we have no age restrictions, the responsibility of training is often too large a task for children under 13. On the other hand, some youngsters do make commendable trainers. We reserve the right to require that an adult or guardian step in to handle the dog if a child training a dog in class does not have the required handling capabilities.

How long will it take to train my dog?2018-11-22T19:53:58-06:00

This depends on your definition of a “trained” dog. Some people have simple goals and others want the ultimate. Also, learning rates vary because both people and dogs have more aptitude in certain areas and less in others. Nonetheless, if you follow instructions you’ll start seeing rapid results even after the first lesson.

How often do I need to practice outside of class?2018-11-22T19:53:25-06:00

To keep up with class you’ll need to practice a minimum of 20-minutes each day. You’ll practice in the house, your yard, on walks, and in public. I show you how to incorporate practice into your daily routine. If you are motivated to practice longer than 20-minutes daily, that’s GREAT!

Do you use food in your classes?2018-11-22T19:52:53-06:00

Have you noticed you can’t reliably get your dog’s attention with food? Perhaps he is too excited or distracted or just not hungry enough to be motivated by a treat? That’s why I’ll show you how to teach and enforce basic listening skills using your hands, praise, and leash. But using food in training can be very beneficial so, when appropriate, I will also show you when and how to use it.

Do you use positive training?2018-11-22T19:52:18-06:00

Yes! We use an abundance of praise and play. In addition, you’ll never yell at, scold or use multiple commands. Therefore, Amiable dogs are eager to learn. Wagging tails and reliable response are hallmarks of Amiable dogs.

What type of leash can I use in class?2018-11-22T19:51:41-06:00

Bring your dog or puppy on 6-foot-long leash (please no retractable leashes). A leather or biothane leash works best (we carry leather and biothane leashes and collars at Amiable), but nylon or another material can be acceptable so long as it is 6-feet in length.

Do I need to bring a training collar for my dog?2018-11-22T19:51:07-06:00

A traditional flat buckle collar is all that is required. Please bring your dog or puppy on a well-fitted, secure collar (rather than a head halter or body harness) that your dog cannot break or back out of. Training collars such as a slip chain or a prong collar are not required but may be recommended depending on the dog and the situation. We’ll offer help in fitting and properly using a slip chain or prong collar if necessary.

What if I need to miss class?2018-11-22T19:50:37-06:00

You are welcome to make up any missed group classes during another session at no charge. If this isn’t possible, a private lesson can be arranged at an additional fee. If you need to miss a lesson please call/text Amy at (414) 289-7785 to make arrangements for a make-up.

I’ve taken classes elsewhere. Where do I fit in with Amiable?2018-11-22T19:50:01-06:00

Though many dog training schools offer classes with similar names, the agendas, objectives, and techniques of different classes vary widely. The prerequisite to our Mastering Basic Skills class is our Basic Essential Skills class, and the prerequisite to our Off Leash Control class is our Mastering Basic Skills class. Exceptions are gladly granted to former students of Amiable Dog Training who’ve trained their current dog to the appropriate level.

At what age can I start to train my puppy or dog?2018-11-22T19:48:30-06:00

Classes are offered for dogs eight weeks and up — but it’s never too late! It is very common to have middle age and older dogs enrolled in the Basic class and they progress as rapidly as puppies.

I’m afraid my dog will go nuts around other dogs.2018-11-22T19:49:13-06:00

Don’t worry…most dogs assimilate remarkably well, and we are here to help! However, for dogs who may be aggressive or unusually stimulated by the group class environment, an initial private lesson is recommended and can be arranged in your home or at our location. During the private lesson we will establish strategies to gain control around distractions so you build a foundation for the group class.

Can my children (or others I invite) participate in this class?2018-11-22T20:34:19-06:00

Whomever you’d like to include is welcome. Where appropriate, all those present and interested can participate fully in the lesson.

How long will it take to train my dog?2018-11-22T20:36:43-06:00

Your dog learns with each interaction. When you react properly to your dog’s behavior he will learn instantly, provided you don’t take his improvement for granted. This is simple, fun, and immensely rewarding when we show you the ropes.

Will we use food rewards to teach my dog to behave?2018-11-22T20:37:44-06:00

We primarily use physical direction and praise. In certain contexts, food can be a very powerful tool in training. Many people use treats as a lure because it is the fastest way to entice the dog to perform a task. But be aware: there is a huge gap between following a lure and obeying a command. To bridge that gap, we demonstrate how to enforce commands by using your hands, praise and leash for guidance. This will also prove invaluable if your dog isn’t interested in the treat because his tummy is full or he is distracted.

What type of leash is best?2018-11-22T20:38:29-06:00

A 6′ leather leash or 6′ biothane leash is ideal for training because it is strong, versatile, and provides a non-slip grip (biothane is a synthetic material similar in texture and feel to leather, but it’s also washable. We have a selection of biothane leashes available for purchase at the training hall).

What type of collar do you use?2018-11-22T20:39:13-06:00

Whatever is best for your dog. Generally, a traditional buckle collar collar (the type your dog probably wears around the house) will work great. We prefer “belt buckle” style collars as opposed to “quick-release” types, as they tend to stay truer to size and don’t run the risk of breaking open unexpectedly like quick release collars sometimes do. A “training collar” (such as a slip chain or prong collar) is not necessary but may be recommended in some cases. After assessing your dog, your goals, and your physical capability, we can offer a recommendation and help you to properly fit and use the collar.

I’ve gotten a lot of advice and my dog is untrainable. What makes you think you can help?2018-11-22T20:40:38-06:00

Some dogs require more expertise than others, and unless you’ve had our extensive background, you could waste the entire lifespan of your dog trying to figure it out. You love your dog, and that is a great start, but love is not enough. I hope you’ll allow us to guide you to your goals in the most seamless possible way.

Bring the Waiver and Application to class2018-11-22T21:41:09-06:00

Bring the Waiver & Application for Amiable Dog Training class enrollment the first day of class, or send it by mail or email.

Bring your dog or puppy on a well-fitted, secure collar2018-11-22T21:40:36-06:00

Bring your dog or puppy on a well-fitted, secure collar (rather than a head halter or body harness) that your dog cannot break or back out of. A traditional flat buckle collar, a slip collar, or a prong collar usually works well.

Bring your dog or puppy on 6-foot-long leash2018-11-22T21:42:28-06:00

Bring your dog or puppy on 6-foot-long leash (please no retractable leashes).  A leather or biothane leash works best (we carry leather and biothane leashes and collars at Amiable), but nylon or another material can be acceptable so long as it is 6-feet in length.

For Basic Classes, a 15-foot-long longe line is needed2018-11-22T21:44:20-06:00

For Basic Classes, a 15-foot-long longe line is needed. If you’ve never trained with Amiable Dog Training in the Basic Classes, wait until your class begins to get this piece of equipment. You can purchase this from us or make it yourself.

Bring a rug or blanket for your dog to lie on2018-11-22T21:45:19-06:00

Bring a rug or blanket for your dog to lie on, if you like. This will help your dog to be more relaxed and content when we are stationary for brief periods. For Puppy Classes, feel free to also bring along a Nylabone or other toy to help occupy your puppy when between working sessions.

If you are concerned your dog might have an accident at training2018-11-22T21:46:12-06:00

If you are concerned your dog might have an accident at training, keep your dog on a short leash indoors and bring “accident baggies” to clean-up any messes.

To ensure everyone’s safety and comfort, please keep your dog on a short leash2018-11-22T21:47:03-06:00

To ensure everyone’s safety and comfort, please keep your dog on a short leash unless you are letting him relieve himself outdoors or are instructed to do otherwise. Be respectful of other peoples’ and dogs’ personal space, and do not allow your dog to rush up and greet another without first asking permission.

Many different commands and exercises are recommended and explained in class2018-11-22T21:47:58-06:00

Many different commands and exercises are recommended and explained in class. Practice these a minimum of 20-minutes each day so you are ready to advance to the next step, which will be introduced in your next lesson. You can break your practice into several daily sessions if you like. Incorporate homework into your daily interactions in the house and yard, on walks, and in public. If you are motivated to practice longer than 20-minutes daily, that’s GREAT!

Your dog or puppy must be free of internal and external parasites and current on vaccinations2018-11-22T21:50:56-06:00

Your dog or puppy must be free of internal and external parasites and current on vaccinations (rabies for dogs four months and older, and combination/DHLPP and bordetella for all enrollees). Please bring a copy of your dog’s or puppy’s vaccination records with you to your first class.

Bring family members, children, neighbors, or friends to class with you2018-11-22T21:54:30-06:00

Bring family members, children, neighbors, or friends to class with you.  Where appropriate in Puppy Classes and Private Lessons, all those present and interested can participate fully. When training in the Basic Classes, however, we do ask that you establish one primary dog handler who will work with the dog during classes. Other family members can observe during class and practice the techniques demonstrated in class at home. WORKSHOP enrollment may require an ‘audit’ fee for attendees not working a dog.

Group classes are offered  in several locations in Greater Milwaukee and Honolulu2019-05-10T16:31:43-05:00

Group classes are offered in several locations in Greater Milwaukee and Honolulu. Need address or directions? Please ph/tx Amy Ammen at 414-289-7785.

Bring a chair for you and your guests2019-05-13T01:49:49-05:00

Please bring a chair for you and your guests.

Contact Amy

Have a question? Please use this form to contact me about your goals, concerns, pertinent details, physical limitations, dog’s background and other topics.

Ready to Enroll?

Visit my services page and enroll in the group class, private lesson or workshop you’d like to attend. I will contact you upon enrollment and provide additional details.

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